
Performance "Alva Escura" ("Dark Alba") (20') by Dori Nigro and Paulo Pinto (2016).

An event of the parallel programme of the exhibition “Joaquim – The Count of Ferreira and his legacy”, curated by Nuno Coelho.



January 20, 2024



Alva Escura
Alva Escura – © Dori Nigro & Paulo Pinto

From the world that the Portuguese created to the adverts of enslaved people in 19th century Brazilian newspapers, represented by the social relations between the big house and the slave quarters, the silenced voices of the people who, like merchandise, were snatched from their homeland and traded on the markets, making the economy of the most prosperous (former) Portuguese colony spin, echo in our body/mind. As a "sweet" legacy of colonial sugar, racism persists to this day in its most varied guises. "Alva escura" points out the contradictions of the old (current) recipes learned and taught about civilisation. Confronting past and present, we draw up dialogues of otherness, where the word is news, prayer and flavour, revealing the imagetic song of our personal and ancestral memories.

Dark Alba
Dark Alba
Dark Alba

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