Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto: Aula Magna
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto: Aula Magna

Master Description: This is the Master Layout element text where you can provide a description of each “Events - Place” entry.

This is a placeholder text that will appear when you do not fulfill the "Description" field in your entry. Select this "text element" and change or delete its content in the inspector “Data”, on the Design Mode on your left.

You don’t need to create a new page from scratch every time you want to add a new event, nor even copy-paste its layout from page to page. These are pages dynamically created.

1. When you create a new Collection (the bar at your left side, in the “book” icon” - e.g. “Events”) automatically it will create a “Repeater Page” in your site map (check it on the top of your layout view, with a special icon). Then, you will only need to create one master layout page and all entries will be presented with the same layout.

2. Every time you change the master, the change will be reflected in all the pages. In fact, you can view each page at a time (in the layout view, at the bottom, at your right, you can find the list of all the entries of the respective collection. Selecting one of the entries you can look at it. But remember. Any changes that you do to its layout will be reflected in ALL the presentation layouts of all the other entries of the same collection.

3. You can add or delete new field in your data scheme (e.g “price”) and new elements to your layout (e.g “text” element). You can than bind the data field to your layout element. You can change their position, dimensions, behaviors. But, again, remember, if you change it in one place, it will change the presentation of all the entry.

4. You can also add conditional visibilities to each element in a page (you can find it in the “Data inspector” when selecting the element, you want to show/hide). Selecting any element, you can then decide criterions when it can be showed or must be hide (e.g. When the field “data” is not set, do not show the label “Start at:”).

5. You can also create highlights of the event (or “Repeater List” of events) in any other page. You only need to create a “Module Master” inside a grid and bind its elements to the fields of the selected collection (for example in the Schedule “Repeater List” or in the “Repeater Page” of the Participants, the “Repeater List” of “Present at”, or in the Venues, the “Repeater List” of “related Events”, or finally, in this “Repeater page”, at the bottom the list “all other events”. It is quite easy to guarantee that each highlight will automatically link to the detail page. You only need to select one element or the entire box of the Module Master and link it to the Master Detail.

Events in this venue

Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto: Aula Magna
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto: Aula Magna
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto: Aula Magna

Rua Particular Justino Teixeira, 116

Armazém K

4300-394 Porto, Portugal


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